A Community Of Strength Caring For Grandchildren artwork
Toula's Tips For Caregivers

A Community Of Strength Caring For Grandchildren

  • 39:06
  • June 8th 2021

Should you say, “It’s a RAPP””?

If you want to help build a stronger community of seniors and caregivers, you should.

If you want to help the many grandparents and relatives who are caring for their grandchildren or school-age relatives, you must.

Most Importantly – I NEED YOUR HELP in spreading the word about Aging True’s RAPP Program in Duval and Clay Counties, Florida.

In this podcast, my guest Jacinda Legions, Community Liaison with Aging True, explains how the “RAPP” program – “Relatives As Parents” Program – is making our community stronger by helping many senior and caregivers like you who have taken on the responsibility of raising children, either their grandchildren or close relatives.

May is Older Americans’ Month. This is when we celebrate the strength of older adults and the Aging Network, with special emphasis on the power of connection and engagement in building strong communities. The RAPP Program is an essential part of this effort in Duval and Clay counties.

RAPP is a voluntary program open to grandparents and relative caregivers ages 55 and above, caring for children under the age of 18. This support program is designed to assist the caregiver in resuming healthy aging practices and is tailored to best suit the participants’ needs. The program delivers educational training’s, monthly support groups in a comfortable and relaxed setting, transportation, long-term goal planning, bi-monthly newsletter with resources, yearly stipend for children’s summer camp and more. RAPPJAX is supported by a grant from the Delores Barr Weaver Fund.

If you or someone you know is a grandparent or relative caring for a young child, learn more about RAPP by contacting Aging True at 904.807.1203, or visiting their website, agingtrue.org.

Aging True is also looking for donations to maintain and expand the program. If you know of some organization who is willing to financially support Aging True and the RAPP Program, please call Jacinda directly at 904-807-1266 or by Email at [email protected]


Toula Wootan

Toula's Tips For Caregivers

Toula Wootan is a nationally recognized caregiver advocate and host of Toula's Tips For Caregivers. Through her own personal caregiving experience, Toula's show and soothing style provides comfort, care, and sound advice to every caregiver and their families. Guests include national caregiving experts and caregiving celebrities who know and understand what in means to be a caregiver.