An Ocean of Issues artwork
Transforming Tomorrow

An Ocean of Issues

  • S1E16
  • 31:11
  • January 15th 2024

You may have been taught the names of the world’s oceans as a child, but is there really only one?

Dr Jean-Baptiste Jouffray, of the Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions, speaks to Jan and Paul from his home in Northern California. As well as busting myths on how many oceans we have on Earth, he discusses the many challenges it faces; his work across science, academia and business; the concepts of keystone actors and leverage points as a means to instigate change; and what it is really like working with Jan.

See the One ocean map, JB talks about here:

Transforming Tomorrow

Transforming Tomorrow brings you an insight into the expertise of the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business at Lancaster University Management School.

Professor Jan Bebbington and Paul Turner delve into the work that centre members undertake, and how this impacts on business. These are short, accessible listens, helping you keep up to date with the most current research - from biodiversity to modern slavery, seabeds to factory floors.

You can send us your questions on any of the issues we discuss in Transforming Tomorrow to [email protected] or fill in our feedback form here:

Find out more about the Pentland Centre and its work here: