E80: Becky Cook - Trials to MTB and a look back at an impressive career  artwork
Trials Australia

E80: Becky Cook - Trials to MTB and a look back at an impressive career

  • 47:56
  • July 23rd 2021

Becky Cook has had a full and impressive trials career before transitioning to MTB. She has had enormous success as the British Trials Champion winning it 9 times between 2004 and 2013. She was European champion in 2012, represented her country at the TdN, winning the event 7 times.


Becky came agonisingly close at the World Trial Championship with 32 podiums and 3 wins which got her to runner up in the championship on 4 occasions.


We chat with Becky about growing up on the Isle of Wight, how she threw herself into challenges and reflect on some of the best moments of her career. We discuss he observations from a MTB perspective in terms of the different approach to promotion, and get some advice on how we can attract more female talent to our sport.


Becky was kind enough to reschedule this interview after our first attempt was beset with technical challenges and I really do appreciate her flexibility.


I hope you enjoy this chat with Becky Cook.


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