Episode 1 | Understanding ADD and ADHD with Dale Pickles artwork
TTS Talking Early Years

Episode 1 | Understanding ADD and ADHD with Dale Pickles

  • S7E1
  • 21:08
  • January 30th 2025

Mark Loveday is joined by Dale Pickles, Managing Director of B Squared – assessment software for pupil tracking, evidence of learning and SEND CPD training – and host of the SENDcast podcast.  

In this episode, Dale explains the terminology and differences between ADD and ADHD, inattentiveness in the classroom, misdiagnosis and overlooked needs. 

Practitioners can learn more about the impact of neurodiversity on learning experiences, as well as gender differences in ADHD and autism diagnosis. This episode ultimately encourages practitioners to discover the importance of early diagnosis and understanding neurodiversity in greater detail. 

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(The views expressed throughout this podcast are the speakers' own, and TTS does not take responsibility for the views and guidance highlighted as part of this recording.)  

Please note: When referencing the speakers views, theory and work for development of your own materials, please ensure academic reference of the speaker is cited. 

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