Packaging Your Book Into an Irresistible Offer artwork
Turn Your Book Into A Business Podcast

Packaging Your Book Into an Irresistible Offer

  • S1E16
  • 16:25
  • February 12th 2020

Have you ever seen someone sell a mars bar for $2000?  Here's how it works - auction off a mars bar but keep adding products and services on top to raise the price. So how does that apply to you and your book?

People love the THUD factor. Big packs of content portray more value for money.  It doesn't have to cost you more to build a package unless you go down the physical route.

Turn Your Book Into A Business Podcast

In the "Turn your book into a business" podcast, we help non fiction & business book authors sell more books, make more money & build a business from what they know! Learn how you can grow a lifestyle business from your books so that you can reach a wide audience, help more people & make a difference in the world.