Episode 136: BLIZZCON, HARKEN TO ME! artwork
Unshackled Fury - Your Uncensored Home for World of Warcraft


  • 1:18:15
  • November 7th 2023

In this episode, hear Berzerker's tales from the floor of BlizzCon 2023! The sights, the sounds, and the emotions of being there to witness World of Warcraft's biggest expansion announcement ever, and all the experiences of being a first time media member! All that and more on today's episode, so subscribe and download today!

Unshackled Fury - Your Uncensored Home for World of Warcraft

Unshackled Fury is a bi-weekly, heavy metal-fueled podcast that takes a deep dive into the people, places and things that make World of Warcraft so special. From the latest releases and lore to community controversies and the best quiet moments in game, nothing is off limits—Unshackled Fury covers it all!