One Size Fits One artwork
Untypical Thoughts

One Size Fits One

  • S1E24
  • 03:01
  • April 7th 2020

The other day, I bought a new football supporter’s scarf which had the following written on the label – one size fits most. It is certainly the first time I have seen that used on a garment but sadly, one size fits most – or worse, one size fits all – seems to be an over-used philosophy in many organisations and on many projects.

One thing I have learned during my years of managing change and, more recently, transformation projects is that the only thing we can be certain of is that one size fits one.

Untypical Thoughts

Untypical by name. Untypical by nature.

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Series 1: General thoughts plus Transformagination

Series 2: The Untypical Alphabet

Series 3: More untypical thoughts

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