The one where we do arts n crafts artwork
Validate Me

The one where we do arts n crafts

  • E58
  • 54:27
  • April 14th 2020

Oh HELLO. Are we all still in quarantine? LOL. We’re all slowly but surely adjusting to this new normal in different ways but we can all agree on one thing, tie dye. Apparently the way to cure everything is by buying plain sweat pants and pouring bleach on it. tHe MoRe U kNoW.

Madeleine and Michael are still very into TikTok while Miranda has moved to big sur and is one with the wind chimes. We were also very fortunate to virtually invite Our dear friend and therapist, Jackie Shapin onto the pod and get some tips on how to remain positive or even just “ok” during this time. We love hearing from you guys on what you’ve been up to!

Make sure to leave us a review and hey, if you’re feeling frisky- 5 stars! Listen responsibly! xx

Validate Me

Madeleine Byrne and Miranda O'Hare are proud to bring you Validate Me, the podcast where two LA based girls serve up some gossip and advice. Get to know these two actress/writers as they navigate their way through the eccentricity and rollercoaster that is living in Los Angeles. Each week they discuss everything from pop culture to dating, to plastic surgery, diet fads and their own lives. Guests within the entertainment industry will make their way in and out of the podcast, sharing insight and advice with you and the girls.

Pour yourself a shot, put your feet up and listen responsibly.