Automating DevOps: How to streamline your management practices - Ian Hayfield artwork
Venturi's Voice: Technology | Leadership | Staffing | Career | Innovation

Automating DevOps: How to streamline your management practices - Ian Hayfield

  • 20:30
  • November 21st 2017

In this episode Andy Davis talks to Ian Hayfield, DevOps manager at Ancoa. Ian is a DevOps evangelist and is a strong advocate of applying it’s methodology to business. His previous roles have seen him working for high profile names such as IBM. Ian’s previous roles have seen him diagnosis database issues and resolve them. He was also in charge of developing and deploying database RPMs, monitoring and host configuration.

On this show Ian talks to Andy about Automating DevOps, how best to manage a DevOps team and having a DevOps team with a broad range of skills. They also discuss Ian’s background and career development and his transition into management. Show Notes:

1.10 The necessity for technologists to be multifaceted in their disciplines.

3.01 How do you decide what new skills you need to learn to keep developing?

5.18 How did the teamwork and learning dynamic work at IBM?

6.06 The advantages of “getting thrown in the deep end” as a learning process.

6.44 The skill of being aware of what is necessary right now in terms of your business needs.

7.45 Using Automation.

9.19 When we look at DevOps now is automation becoming a big part of it?

10.48 What was your background and how did you become a DevOps manager?

14.46 Internationally, do people look at DevOps from different perspectives.

15.59 When did you transition to a management position and what were your first experiences like in that position.

17.38 Management as a skill set unto itself.

21.43 What engages you more at work technology or the end goals of your project?

24.13 Technology as a product and the need to be business savvy.

25.45 What are you looking forward to seeing most technology-wise in the near future?

Venturi's Voice: Technology | Leadership | Staffing | Career | Innovation

Venturi’s Voice brings you conversation with leaders from various technology disciplines - data, cyber security, development, cloud, infrastructure, business intelligence and more… Each week you will be able to relate, take inspiration and action the business education from our compelling guests. Outside of technology we tend to cover; career progression, influences, best practices, leadership, talent, recruitment and the inspiration behind our guest successes in career and life!