Building a robotic automation startup - Garuka Serasinghe artwork
Venturi's Voice: Technology | Leadership | Staffing | Career | Innovation

Building a robotic automation startup - Garuka Serasinghe

  • 25:09
  • October 22nd 2019

Garuka is the CTO at Intellimorph

Before working at Intellimorph, Garuka worked at a big four consultancy. His role focused on property process automation and artificial intelligence where he led large projects on automation. Areas Garuka has worked in include: banking, pharmaceuticals, government & healthcare.

Venturi's Voice: Technology | Leadership | Staffing | Career | Innovation

Venturi’s Voice brings you conversation with leaders from various technology disciplines - data, cyber security, development, cloud, infrastructure, business intelligence and more… Each week you will be able to relate, take inspiration and action the business education from our compelling guests. Outside of technology we tend to cover; career progression, influences, best practices, leadership, talent, recruitment and the inspiration behind our guest successes in career and life!