Your Own Virtual Chief Growth Officer


  • S3E4
  • 15:00
  • November 4th 2020

Your Own Virtual Chief Growth Officer

Here is a question for your consideration, if you could have a partner to support business success, how would that work and what would they do?

Look at IBGR as your CGO - your fractional Chief Growth Officer.

A thought before we start, I want to invite you to my new group on our Community of Commerce - Living the Life . If you are a serial entrepreneur and looking to discuss how to build a business that runs itself so you can start running multiple businesses - this is the right spot.


Each episode has additional written information your might find helpful. Here is a complete listing of Show Notes. Want to continue the conversation? Add your thoughts in the comments section available at the bottom of each page of notes on the site. Simply click "read more" and let's get the conversations started!

Objectives - The WHY

My objective today and through the remainder of Season 3 (end of 2020) is to help you use the radio to Start, Grow, or Exit a business. Let me say that again - we have built an integrated offer based on a smart device app (iOS or android) that helps you successfully navigate our tools from business idea to exit. We have done it ourselves and will be sharing that experience on every show.

Today and all of our follow-up Shows are designed to make our services as user friendly as possible.

Key Issues - Owner Perspective:

  1. What do I want to achieve with the business?
  2. If I could find a partner with a proven track record and affordable, how could they help me achieve my dream?
  3. How to partner with the Station.

What You Need to Know - The WHAT

Show IBGR.01 - Overview of What is Possible

Show IBGR.02 - What Can You Do for Me?

  • Our inventory of information, insight, and tools

Show IBGR.03 - How Do We Work Together?

  • Our integrated platform - access 1 thing to access everything

Show IBGR.04 - Growing in Your (you and ours) Community

  • Build a network of alliances around the world

Show IBGR.05 - Where Should I Start? (The FOCUS)

  • What are the Gaps between where you are and where you need to be?

Show IBGR.06 - How Do I Use All of the Right Resources You Offer?

  • How do I close the gaps?

Show IBGR.07 - How Do I Apply the Information and Tools Inside My Business?

  • How do I get everybody involved including my community?

Show IBGR.08 - How Do I Track Progress?

  • How do I know we are making enough progress?
  • Show IBGR.09 - Summary of What We Achieved

What You Need to Do​​ - The HOW

  1. ​Listen to this IBGR Series on Partnering with the Station
  2. Download the app
  3. Show Up Next week

​The purpose of this show was to present an idea so alien to the normal thought process that it has to be legitimate. Nobody would be crazy enough to make this offer unless they can back it up! We are your single, one stop source for business success, period, end of story.

Make sure you leave some thoughts in the comment section below. I am interested in continuing the conversation.

William Eastman avatar
William Eastman
IBGR Founder & Managing Partner

"Life only makes sense in retrospect; a life, a career can only be lived in real-time and therefore nothing is predictable or inevitable.” 

How I Got Here

I am a result focused with over 40 years in the business. That includes training, consulting, and management experience working with leaders in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, software, hospitality, higher education, and online services. My areas of expertise include leadership, team building, coaching & mentoring, organizational design & change, business development, HR solutions, strategic planning, global strategy, startups, and M&A.

Most of my later years have been in fractional consulting and business turnarounds while running several businesses such as Managing Partner of Intellectual Property at the GrowthWorx, where they created a new subsidiary, IBGR. We are building in front of you a 24x7 global internet business radio station based on our IP. All the programming is designed for entrepreneurs and business owners and heard in 177 countries. I am the interim Station Manager and VP for Demand through the end of 2021. IBGR will launch its first Incubator and accelerator programs this year.

Prior to my role with GrowthWorx, I held several positions with clients, including Senior Consultant for GreenMark Consulting Group, Director of Innovation at the Celebrity Service Institute, SVP Knowledge Management for the International Speakers Bureau, and the EVP of Consulting Services for Trainingscape. In my early career, I was a Managing Partner for Ken Blanchard Companies, a Team Leader for Economic Development, United Nations Development Programmes West Africa, and served as School Chief of the Leadership Management Program for the United States Coast Guard.

If this matters to you - yes I have the required ticket punches: an Executive MS in Management and Organizational Development from California American University, and a BS in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior from the University of San Francisco. What I am really is a serial entrepreneur (5 companies), and hold many certifications and has over 15,000 hours as a trainer and facilitator; bhah, bhah, bhah.

​If you want a really bizarre bio, go to my personal site: www.williameastman.us