What Miracle Do You Need Most? - The Miracles Of Jesus Pt 1 - WUAL  artwork
Wake Up and Live with Christopher Flaig

What Miracle Do You Need Most? - The Miracles Of Jesus Pt 1 - WUAL

  • E214
  • 24:31
  • January 7th 2019

Healing the blind. Walking on water. Calming the storm. Feeding thousands with a few loaves and fish. Every miracle Jesus performed was for a purpose. There was provision for that specific moment in time. But what if each miracle was also embedded with a promise of future provision...for you? in this new series The Miracles Of Jesus we will look at each miracle. In this podcast we ask the question What Miracle Do You Need Most? 

Todays podcast is sponsored by Blinkist: Have you ever saw a book you wanted to read, but you tell yourself you don't have the time? Well Blinkist is the only app that takes the best key takeaways, the need-to-know information from thousands of nonfiction books and condenses them down into just 15 minutes so you can read or listen. Right now, for a limited time Blinkist has a special offer for our audience at Wake Up and Live, go to blinkist.com/wakeup to start your free trail. Give it a try see if you like it.

Wake Up and Live with Christopher Flaig

"Wake Up and Live" podcast is a message or conversation, that will inspire and encourage you through the different seasons of life. My hope is that just one more persons life will be saved and changed.