When Your Discouraged  - The Miracles of Jesus Pt7 - WUAL artwork
Wake Up and Live with Christopher Flaig

When Your Discouraged - The Miracles of Jesus Pt7 - WUAL

  • E225
  • 27:26
  • April 26th 2019

As you seek the miracle you need right now, know that your empty nets, your plateaued life, and those waves of discouragement are great opportunities for Jesus to walk by and turn your life gloriously and astonishingly upside down. Today we are looking at When Your Discouraged how letting Jesus into your boat you will see The Miracles of Jesus. Wake Up and Live - Empowered - Blessed - Loved 

Ravi Zacharias has a new book out call The Logic of God. This devotional offers 52 profound readings that explain how and why Christianity, the Bible, and God are still relevant, essential, and life altering. For a limited time, my listeners can get 40% off The Logic of God using code WUAL at the checkout at www.bit.ly/logpod1 don't miss out on this great book and offer. 


Wake Up and Live with Christopher Flaig

"Wake Up and Live" podcast is a message or conversation, that will inspire and encourage you through the different seasons of life. My hope is that just one more persons life will be saved and changed.