Great Expectations – How to Balance Family and Work Relationships artwork
Women in Family Business

Great Expectations – How to Balance Family and Work Relationships

  • 21:57
  • February 16th 2023

A family member’s career in the family business often begins with the famous ‘call to action’. But a long and often challenging journey lies between taking that call and building a career that brings fulfilment to oneself and opportunities to the family. Navigating the complex mix of expectations and obligations can bring unforeseen shifts in relationship dynamics and challenge what success means. After working in her family’s diversified business, Asia Green Group, Peninsular Malaysia’s largest plywood manufacturing and production company, for a few years, Li Tan recognised that striking out on her own would help her be better prepared to find success in her family’s business. 

In this episode, Li Tan, Chief Strategy Officer of Asia Green Group, Co-Founder of Rare Whiskey Holdings, and Co-Founder of Audacy Ventures, discusses the expectations next-generation members confront after joining the family business, what lessons they can draw from building their own business, and the crucial role communication plays in enabling healthy family-work relationships.

Women in Family Business

WIFB is a global initiative that offers an opportunity to women from all over the world to share their insights and experiences with the family enterprise, connect with their peers, and contribute to the creation of a strong community.