Managing Expectations in the Face of Adversity artwork
Women in Family Business

Managing Expectations in the Face of Adversity

  • 22:58
  • October 11th 2022

In its Global Gender Gap Report 2022, the World Economic Forum states that it will take another 132 years before gender pay parity is achieved globally at the current rate of progress. This is the context within which women seek to build their careers and businesses, and for many these challenging professional demands are compounded by expectations at home.

In this episode of WiFB, Naomi George, founder of Optimum, which equips people with the positive mindset and enhanced wellbeing that enables them to thrive, discusses unrealistic expectations and how to manage them. She speaks from experience, offering advice to those who feel they don’t have enough energy or time to accomplish what they think they need to and how to deal with their guilt when they ‘fall short’.

Women in Family Business

WIFB is a global initiative that offers an opportunity to women from all over the world to share their insights and experiences with the family enterprise, connect with their peers, and contribute to the creation of a strong community.