Incorporeal in M+, Aspects and Treasure Goblins - Wrath Babies #33 artwork
Wrath Babies

Incorporeal in M+, Aspects and Treasure Goblins - Wrath Babies #33

  • E33
  • 1:53:01
  • May 26th 2023

Diablo 4 invades World of Warcraft, with Treasure Goblins making an appearance in Dragonflight! What can you earn from them, and how? The Wrath Babies have you covered, and the same goes for the new Incorporeal affix in Season 2 of M+. Listen in for some hot tips (and theory crafting?) on how to best deal with this new affix. TLDR; all hard CC works (even Hibernate!).

If you want your story to be featured in the Perky Pugs segment, tweet at us on Twitter @WrathBabies! We welcome your thoughts, opinions and suggestions! Until next time, thanks for listening and take care.

Wrath Babies

Welcome to Wrath Babies, the World of Warcraft podcast hosted by two (you guessed it) Wrath Babies. Each episode has a topic of the week, and will be discussing everything from boss design to transmog hunting, with a lot of focus on the social aspects of WoW. We hope you like it.