Invite The Many to Disciple The Few with Alex Rodriguez artwork
Small Group Leader Podcast

Invite The Many to Disciple The Few with Alex Rodriguez

  • S1E15
  • 29:50
  • April 26th 2024

In this episode, we will be speaking to Alex Rodriguez, the National Training Director for Chi Alpha and the creator of our teaching for this episode- Invite the Many to Disciple the Few. Then we will be interviewing Lucas Romero, a small group leader in the marketplace who has done an incredible job making disciples without being centered around a college campus. We know there will be many small group leaders this Fall who won’t be able to interact with people on campus as before. Lucas has some great insight into the mindset we must have if we are going to continue to grow our small groups no matter the circumstances in which we find ourselves.  

Small Group Leader Podcast

The Small Group Leader Podcast is a podcast by small group leaders for small group leaders to be equipped and encouraged as they make disciples for Jesus.