Boutique Fitness Studio - Michelle Kaplan artwork
Your Life Program

Boutique Fitness Studio - Michelle Kaplan

  • 25:08
  • May 4th 2020

Boutique Fitness Studio
Michelle Kaplan is owner of VB20 Fitness Studio, the most advanced fitness “technology” in the world today! Discover the newest workout suit that stimulates your muscles while you are wearing it! As a Certified Coach, Michelle’s burning desire is lifting people to their next level of greatness! Discover how the VB20 stimulus suit can stimulate muscle burn in YOU!

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: vb20delray
Twitter: @vb20delray
Linked In: D. Michelle Kaplan
Business Phone: 561-563-8712

Your Life Program

Ignite! Excite! Delight!

Andrea’s passion is to motivate others to “Live Intentionally Fabulous Everyday!”.

As a Certified Fitness Instructor, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, HappyLife Coach® and the creator of the newest strength and fitness training product, “The MaxPAC®” (Maximum Power and Core) Andrea teaches and coaches how to live Strong and Joy-FULL lives! We all have something unique within us to discover & share. Join Andrea and her guests weekly for Information and Inspiration to help YOU create YOUR most Radiant Self, and bring your dreams to LIFE !”

[email protected]
