Cande Braun “A Gift to Shift”  Part 1 artwork
Your Life Program

Cande Braun “A Gift to Shift” Part 1

  • 26:26
  • April 3rd 2021

Imagine your world being turned upside down from a simple routine check-up to the diagnosis of Stage Four Cancer! Cande shares her LIGHT journey that asks the question: “What do I need to heal within me that I have ignored?”

Find out how her cancer diagnosis opened her eyes to so many facets of HEALING, on so many levels,

how it has changed her world and reunited her with her Life’s Purpose.     Email: [email protected]

Your Life Program

Ignite! Excite! Delight!

Andrea’s passion is to motivate others to “Live Intentionally Fabulous Everyday!”.

As a Certified Fitness Instructor, Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, HappyLife Coach® and the creator of the newest strength and fitness training product, “The MaxPAC®” (Maximum Power and Core) Andrea teaches and coaches how to live Strong and Joy-FULL lives! We all have something unique within us to discover & share. Join Andrea and her guests weekly for Information and Inspiration to help YOU create YOUR most Radiant Self, and bring your dreams to LIFE !”

[email protected]
