A Diosa's Journey: Returning to Your Soul Home with Christine Gutierrez artwork
Your Story Medicine

A Diosa's Journey: Returning to Your Soul Home with Christine Gutierrez

  • S1E6
  • 48:02
  • December 15th 2020

In this episode of Your Story Medicine, I welcome Christine Gutierrez, Latina licensed psychotherapist, life coach, author, and expert in love addiction, trauma, abuse, and self-esteem. We discuss navigating shadow work in a way that keeps us from getting too deep in the darkness, incorporating ancestral medicine into your healing practice, and working with multiple racial backgrounds in one space. Christine shares the inspiration behind her journey towards writing her book and creating her community, the Diosahood, and how sensuality and storytelling have played a role in her life.

Are you feeling a call to incorporate your ancestry into your healing journey? Do you experience blocks when it comes to tapping into your creative and sensual energy? This episode is for you!

Learn more about Christine and her work:

Website: www.christineg.tv 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/christinegtv 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/cosmicchristine 

Twitter: www.twitter.com/CosmicChristine

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/cosmicchristine/_created

YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCefa1LT9MVZuDvxAjak2g7A?

I am Diosa: A Journey to Healing Deep, Loving Yourself, and Coming Back Home to Soul

Soul Book Masterclass: www.thesoulbook.co

The Diosahood: www.thediosahood.com 

Listen to our previous interview: https://yourstorymedicine.mykajabi.com/christinegutierrez

Your Story Medicine

Your Story Medicine is a weekly interview series with changemakers and entrepreneurs in the field of coaching, the arts, and wellness. Join June Kaewsith, also known as "Jumakae," as we explore how storytelling has the power to liberate. Expand upon ways to understand and practice self-care. Challenge the definition of what it means to be a "healer." Step into entrepreneurship as a sacred form of activism and decolonization. Reflect on one's responsibility in the wellness and coaching industry. Gain the confidence to explore and create new stories for your life. Get ready to do the work to make your ancestors proud, including the ones before us and the ones who have yet to come!

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