Why so many teachers are leaving the profession?
- S1E4
- 47:22
- May 12th 2021
On The podcast Paul McKenzie is speaking to a teacher and for the purpose of this podcast we will call her Jane as she prefers to remain anonymous.
"Jane" has some interesting views on how the impact of COVID 19 has affected her role as a teacher, and how it has had an impact on young people.
One of the things that have not come to the forefront when we talk about the last year in lockdown is how have teachers managed?
It was only when I looked into the screen of my son’s online classroom, it occurred to me to ask the question to his teacher. The response was interesting, and shocking at how the profession has had to cope with moving from the classroom to the screen.
There is no doubt that there is a distinct lack of support for teachers and other professionals during these times.
Let’s find out from a teacher’s perspective, what the future holds for the teaching profession and the young people impacted by the changes.
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