More homes. Better places. So far as possible. artwork
50 Shades of Planning

More homes. Better places. So far as possible.

  • E85
  • 1:06:41
  • January 14th 2023

It will not have escaped the attention of regular 50 Shades listeners that a consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was launched shortly before Christmas and, knowing that it was coming, friend of the podcast Simon Ricketts arranged one his 'Planning Law Unplanned' Clubhouse sessions for the first week back. Simon kindly agreed to record the discussion so that Sam Stafford could share it by of the 50 Shades platform.

Listeners will hear in this episode an excellent dissection of the motivations behind, key provisions within, and likely impact of, the proposed changes to the NPPF by a stellar line-up of planning professionals. The discussion includes contributions David Diggle, Rebecca Coley, Annie Gingell, Vicky Payne, Catriona Riddell, Zack Simons, Nicky Linihan, Greg Dickson, Hana Loftus and Steve Quartermain.

Some accompanying reading.

Levelling-up & Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy

Zack’s NPPF Blog

Sam’s NPPF Blog

Catriona’s column in Planning Magazine (£)

Some accompanying listening.

Planning Magazine’s Room 106 Podcast on the NPPF that features Catriona

The Village Green Preservation Society by The Kinks

50 Shades T-Shirts!

If you have listened to Episode 45 of the 50 Shades of Planning Podcast you will have heard Clive Betts say that...

'In the Netherlands planning is seen as part of the solution. In the UK, too often, planning is seen as part of the problem'.

Sam said in reply that that would look good on a t-shirt and it does. Further details can be found here:

50 Shades of Planning

Sam Stafford started posting on the 50 Shades of Planning blog in 2012 and in 2019 turned it into a podcast. 50 Shades of Planning is about the foibles of the English planning system and it's aim is to cover the breadth of the sector both in terms of topics of conversation and in terms of guests with different experiences and perspectives.

50 Shades episodes include 'Hitting The High Notes', which is a series of conversations with leading planning and property figures. The conversations take in the six milestone planning permissions or projects within a contributor’s career and for every project guests are invited to choose a piece of music that they were listening to at that time. Think Desert Island Discs, but for planners. If you would like to feature on 'Hitting The High Notes', or know somebody that would make a great guest, please email [email protected].

If you have listened to Episode 45 of 50 Shades of Planning you will have heard Clive Betts say that...

'In the Netherlands planning is seen as part of the solution. In the UK, too often, planning is seen as part of the problem'.

Sam said in reply that that would look good on a t-shirt and it does. Further details can be found here:

Sam is on Bluesky ( and Instagram (@samuel__stafford), and his blogs can be found here:

As with the 50 Shades Blog, the 50 Shades Podcast is a platform for Sam's personal opinions, which may or may not represent the opinions of his past, present or future employers.

50 Shades of Planning is produced in partnership with Cratus Group.

Why Fifty Shades? Well, planning is not a black and white endeavour. There are at least fifty shades in between...

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