Keith Hutchings is here and he is on a mission to change the way Perth builds, one house at a time. Keith heads the Comfortable Home Project, whose passion is Passive Solar and how it can save you on your energy costs. Here we have a good social marketing chat about changing people's perspectives with the power of communications.
Keith has a background in construction and is passionate about Passive Solar. He will present a solution to how we design homes here in Perth, by utilising our Mediterranean climate and environment, to better warm the house in winter and cool in summer. This episode is for any tradie, architectural enthusiast or anyone with an interest in the Perth Housing Market.
For more information visit https://www.thecomfortablehomeproject.com.au/ or check out Keith and his team on Instagram Here
If You Love What We Do.
If you are a business coach or marketer in the greater Perth metropolitan area, and would like to appear on this show. Why not pitch to me directly at [email protected]
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A Virtual Coffee With
The beans are calling! Join us as we have a casual, impromptu chat with leading business coaches and marketers in the greater Perth area.