E04 The Success Equation: How Visualization and Willingness Can Propel Your Business artwork
Beyond The Method Selling with Clancy Clark

E04 The Success Equation: How Visualization and Willingness Can Propel Your Business

  • S6E4
  • 12:30
  • July 10th 2021

Join Clancy Clark, your host on the IBGR network, as he introduces a powerful equation for success in sales and beyond. Get ready to explore the concepts of visualization and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

2. Why is this important: The success equation discussed in this episode holds valuable insights for anyone seeking success in sales, business, or life. Clancy emphasizes the importance of visualization and the willingness to go the extra mile, backed by real-life examples, to highlight how these practices can enhance your chances of success.

3. What you need to know: Clancy dives into the power of visualization and how it can exponentially increase your chances of achieving your goals. He shares the example of professional athletes and their extensive use of visualization to improve performance. Additionally, Clancy discusses the concept of vision boards and how they can help you connect with your desired vision for your business and life.

4. What you need to do: Take Clancy's advice and start practicing visualization. Consider creating a vision board to bring your goals to life visually. Embrace the willingness to do whatever it takes, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone. Understand that paying your dues and making sacrifices can lead to eventual success.

5. Do this now: Start by dedicating time to visualization exercises. Begin creating your own vision board, focusing on both personal and professional goals. Reflect on the willingness to go above and beyond and identify any areas where you may need to step up your commitment. Take action and stay determined on your path to success.

Tune in to this episode of Clancy Clark's "Beyond The Method Selling" to gain valuable insights on visualization, willingness, and the success equation that can transform your sales approach and overall outlook on life.

Beyond The Method Selling

In my 30-plus years as a successful sales professional, I have quickly risen to the top of three companies, in three different decades, in three very different markets. In each case, I started from a base of zero sales with little technical knowledge of what I was selling. And in each case, I had to build my book of business in down markets for the industries to which I was selling. These results have drawn an endless parade of fellow sales professionals, at conferences and awards banquets, asking for the key to my success. It’s simple, really, I’ve made something other than the sale my highest priority, as you’ll learn in my book, Selling By Serving.

You will also learn that I am more than just a successful salesman. I am fulfilled. I love my work and take great pride in it, but I have found a way to achieve sales success without living to work. My work is a means to the life I lead and love in Southern Colorado with my wife, my dogs and my pack goats. It is my goal to help you achieve both success and fulfillment in your own life.