Laying the Foundation for Building a Successful Brand
- S1E24
- 52:38
- September 7th 2021
Are you ready to improve your branding and creativity with this week's guest on the Blitz Growth Podcast?
Arnt Eriksen is a marketer with multiple creative talents. He recently released a fantastic book, Brand You Economics, that teaches businesses how to build a powerful and everlasting brand.
Arnt is a creative strategist that helped companies like PayPal simplify their marketing and brand messaging. He's also a public speaker, photographer, and podcaster.
We are excited to talk to Arnt and we hope to learn a thing or two from the man with so many talents (who also got to interview Gary Vee!).
- Name: Arnt Eriksen
- Website: https://www.arnteriksen.com/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArntEriksen
- Website: blitzgrowth.com
- Course, funnel, & store builder: hyax.com
- Giveaway & contest builder: vyper.ai
- Free marketing courses & guides: jackpaxton.com
Blitz Growth For Creators w/ Jack Paxton
Hi, I'm Jack Paxton, and we are interviewing the world's top founders & creators to share their stories on how they built their businesses. Taking a hobby, passion, or project and turning that into their full-time gig.
Learn how the average joe is building an audience/following, creating products (digital or physical), and scaling up their revenue to generate passive income.
Not only have we got some of the best creator economy growth stories but we've also scaled and built 3+ businesses ourselves!
So... tune in to learn how to start + build your business, get marketing training, deep-dive interviews, success stories, and more.