Building in Front of You with William Eastman
IBGR.Network - Profit Radio
Created by IBGR onAir Talent William Eastman • 32 episodes
Building in Front of You with William Eastman
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I didn't intend this series to be a companion to another launched this week - "Living The Life", but as I built out the content for the next 8 shows, it became apparent I was telling the same story from 2 perspectives. "Living The Life" is from the perspective of a business executive building an empire or living a more balanced life with the extra time. "Building In Front Of You", this series, is the current story of taking an idea and transforming it into reality - IBG Radio; the act of creation that represents all businesses.
"Building In Front Of You" is our story told from the inside, warts and all. I call it open kimono, we hide nothing except the identity of the guilty to avoid public embarrassment - excluding me. Why would you listen? That is simple. You may not be building a radio station but you are building something that does resemble Frankenstein's monster - a collection of parts brought together in a new way. This is not only our story, it is your story. Catch up to where we are, then watch it unfold.
Before we get started one last thought. Look at IBGR as your CGO - your fractional Chief Growth Officer, a partner for Living The Life on Your Terms. We have built a platform that moves beyond the one-way conversation of radio and podcasts to real relationships; our Community of Commerce.
Start by joining my new group in the Community of Commerce - Living the Life where we can discuss how The Life is effecting you. I have a script ready for you in my group - all you have to do is join.
Objectives - The WHY
The why of listening and following is simple - you can witness how the sausage is made, why the decisions made were made, and how it turned out. Your WIIFM - pickup something smart when we are smart, avoid something stupid when we are stupid. Enough said.
Last thought - our goal at IBGR, be a game changer for you.
Key Issues - Owner Perspective:
- Why do I think this will work?
- What will it take to execute and make it successful?
- Am I willing to make the personal and financial investment required?
- I can't do it alone - where to find the team?
The purpose of this show was to tell our story so you can take advantage of our lessons learned when building your business.
We are your single, one stop source for business and personal success, period, end of story.