Hi, my name is David Wetton and welcome to the Conscious Leadership Now Video Podcast
The intent of this Podcast is to encourage you as a leader to embrace Conscious Leadership, by giving you access to some of the world’s leaders in the field of Conscious Leadership, both in practice and in thought.
Today my guest is Hema Vyas
Hema’s mission is to provide a direct experience of the power of the heart and move people into what she uniquely terms a state of gold. In her words “Nothing can tarnish or destroy the sustainable and highly valuable element of gold, so when we excavate all that is not who we really are, we become invincible in our true selves.” For 27 years she has been practising as a psychologist, spiritual mentor, retreat leader and speaker.
You can find her website here:
In corporate and leadership development, Hema helps leaders find their true selves, and guides them to know and experience the truth and wisdom of their own heart. She enables leaders to become more open and honest, so they can achieve individual expressions of fulfilment and success.
You can connect with her on LinkedIn:
Her Employee Development Program gives delegates a chance to see and experience how heart energy impacts them personally and professionally, and how they can channel their heart to transform their lives and become outstanding performers.
She offer a free 20 minute call in the Podcast:
And details of her Heart Renaissance Community can be found here:
Hema speaks of Spiritual leader, humanitarian and visionary Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known throughout the world simply as "Amma"
If you’ve enjoyed this Podcast and my approach to Conscious Leadership, then please know that I Help Aspiring Conscious Leaders develop Purpose-Led, High Performing Leadership Teams through 1:1 Coaching & Tailored Leadership Programmes.
If you sense I can help you, then please look me up, David Wetton, on LinkedIn and let’s jump on a conversation together.
I truly believe that Now is the Time for Conscious Leadership; and with all the inspiring, heartfelt work you, as viewers, are doing, I have no doubt that Conscious Leadership will become a thriving reality.
…Making a difference for the greater good of All.
So until next time, I’ll leave you with a blessing from John O’Donohue:
‘May the light of your soul
bless the work you do
with the secret love
and warmth of your heart’
…And so it is
Conscious Leadership Now
Hi, my name is David Wetton and welcome to the Conscious Leadership Now Podcast.
The intent of this Podcast is to encourage you as a leader to explore what Conscious Leadership means to you, by giving you access to some of the world’s leaders in the field of Conscious Leadership, both in practice and in thought.
The background to this Podcast is that after listening to, meeting and working with some of the world leaders in Conscious Leadership for almost fifteen years, it's my heartfelt belief that Now is The Time for Conscious Leadership.
I'll lead my guests through 'Take Five' – Their Take on Five key Conscious Leadership Questions - enabling you to learn insights and practical applications from their personal journey with Conscious Leadership
My hope is that you leave this podcast feeling inspired, with ideas and resources to take away and implement in your business or organisation, to make a real difference in our world.
If you’ve enjoyed this Podcast then please do share it with other leaders who you feel would benefit from it.
Finally, if you resonate with my approach to Conscious Leadership, then please know that I Help Conscious Leaders grow themselves and develop Purpose-Led, High Performing Leadership Teams through 1:1 Coaching & Tailored Leadership Programmes. If you sense I can help you, then please look me up, David Wetton, on LinkedIn and let’s jump on a conversation together.