Guest: Dr. Jackie Heller-Psychoanalyst, Psychiatry, and Neurology-Yesterday Never Sleeps
- S1E2
- 30:01
- January 20th 2024
Jackie Heller, MD, a psychoanalyst, is board certified in psychiatry and neurology. Her professional experience as a practicing clinician has allowed her extensive insight into the vast range of human experiences. Her new book, Yesterday Never Sleeps (Greenleaf Book Group Press, August 1, 2023), delves into her personal experience with family trauma and helping others work through their own. Learn more at jackieheller.com
GUEST EMAIL [email protected]
GUEST WEBSITE: Jackieheller.com
Cover To Cover
Cover to Cover features author's interviews from around the globe. Hostess Mary Elizabeth Jackson has lively conversations with authors about their books, journeys, tips, and tricks of the writing world.
Mary is an award-winning, International Best Selling author, a certified special needs and disability advocate, live streamer, podcaster, ghostwriter, educator, and speaker. Everyone has a story and Mary loves to share those stories with others. Connect here