Guest: Richard Perkins Hsung artwork
Cover To Cover

Guest: Richard Perkins Hsung

  • S1E9
  • 29:49
  • March 8th 2024

Honoring a Mothers Legacy

Richard Perkins Hsung was born in China in 1966 and was one of the first teens to leave China legally after Mao’s Cultural Revolution. He earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Chicago and became a professor at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, retiring in 2022. He spent ten years editing and completing Spring Flower (Earnshaw Books) by his mother, Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins, MD. The three-volume memoir chronicles her life as an adopted child of American medical missionaries, survivor of China's brutal communist regime, ophthalmologist, immigrant, and mother. Hsung lives in Madison with his wife, where keeping squirrels from digging up his backyard has become a daily scientific obsession. Learn more at Yangtze River by the Hudson Bay


Cover To Cover

Cover to Cover features author's interviews from around the globe. Hostess Mary Elizabeth Jackson has lively conversations with authors about their books, journeys, tips, and tricks of the writing world.

Mary is an award-winning, International Best Selling author, a certified special needs and disability advocate, live streamer, podcaster, ghostwriter, educator, and speaker. Everyone has a story and Mary loves to share those stories with others. Connect here