- S2022E3
- 30:18
- January 17th 2022
This provides you with a query to be interviewed as an author on your radio/podcast show.
I have released a much-acclaimed book (please see attached sample of reviews), entitled
101 Arabian Tales: How We All Persevered in Peace Corps Libya (Amazon). It has also
garnered 95% 5-star reviews on Amazon and GoodReads.
I am at pains to also point out that this book is 100 times more powerful than the 1,000+
individual Peace Corps memoirs out there, as mine is a collective memoir, in which I
interviews 101 of my fellow Libya Peace Corps volunteers in depth, embroidering their
wonderful stories into the tapestry of the larger Libyan narrative.
Monday 11:30 am + Wed 5:30 pm
“Curmudgeonly Yours” is a show on ‘comparative modern Western life. The title comes from Richard Bonte’s humorous book of the same name, “Curmudgeonly Yours.” In his sometimes-multilingual show, host and author Richard Bonte interviews guests from different countries to get their take on ideas and problems facing the Western world.
Host Richard Bonte is a Bradenton resident and a native-born New Yorker. He has lived much of his life in Canada, California and Western Europe. He has worn many hats in his life including playwright, bi-coastal actor, teacher, writer, linguist and phonetician. He has advanced degrees from Berkeley, UCLA and the Sorbonne. Richard has written ten novels (including ‘Curmudgeonly Yours’ (2017), been given the FAPA (Florida Authors and Publishers Association) 2018 Silver Award for Humor), several plays and screenplays. He is right now co-writing a new novel set in 1930’s Los Angeles.