Align with Your Values with Bob Burg artwork
Systematic Leader

Align with Your Values with Bob Burg

  • E32
  • 33:07
  • April 27th 2021

Bob Burg is a best-selling author of the Go-Giver series. It’s a series of books that share the secrets of being a giver first and how it can skyrocket your career.

In this interview you’ll see how Bob not only writes books about the giving mindset, but also how he lives it in his life. I love how he talked about other authors and his co-author in this interview. You can see his giving mindset in action throughout this interview.

I learned so much from this interview. It’s because of this interview that I’ve been reaching out to people on LinkedIn to do a free Dig to Fly session to help spread the word. I would like to offer up a free session to help you dig into your mental knots and loosen them. Do you have an issue at work or at home that keeps bouncing around your brain? I can help! Just share this episode on your favorite social media platform and use the hashtag #digtofly and you can earn a free session with me. The deadline will be two weeks from today.

Episode Highlights:

  • Focus on creating value.
  • How mentors play a role in your success.
  • How to shift your mindset to helping others.
  • A great salesperson makes it about the other person.
  • How do we know if we are valued?
  • Understanding our strengths.
  • We all operate from our set of beliefs.
  • How can you align with your values?
  • Reviewing our belief systems.
  • Many of us are living from a set of unconscious beliefs.
  • Awareness is the first step to change how we build relationships.
  • Understanding what we really need to improve.
  • The hidden value that many of us ignore.
  • How we can learn to build more internal awareness.
  • Book - Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
  • Bob’s evening routine.
  • Book - Notes to Myself by Hugh Prather
  • Why stories help us connect on a deeper level.
  • His Co-author - John David Mann
  • Be aware of the gap of where you are and where you want to be.
  • Question your premises.

If you want to learn more about Bog Burg you can visit his website. You can also check out his best-selling book The Go_Giver or check him out on his podcast.

And as always if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing just reach out on Dig to Fly and I’ll do my best to get them on.

Systematic Leader

Leaders need processes and systems to make good decisions. The Systematic Leader podcast interviews leaders (CEOs, Authors, and Enterpreneurs). They share their best frameworks so you can make better decisions in your business.

“Developing the habit of mastering the multiple models which underlie reality is the best thing you can do.” Charlie Munger

I interview experts in their fields so you can learn and apply their frameworks to your business.

Hi, I'm Karl Staib. The creator of the Dig to Fly method and author of Bring Gratitude. I struggled for years with making quality decisions because I didn't have a system in place. Once I developed routines that worked for my personality type that's when my business took off.

I hope you enjoy the podcast and if you have any questions, just reach out at