How to reach CEO’s and VP’s of companies with Stu Heinecke artwork
Systematic Leader

How to reach CEO’s and VP’s of companies with Stu Heinecke

  • E29
  • 43:48
  • April 5th 2021

Stu Heinecke is a Hall of Fame marketer and with his career as a Wall Street Journal cartoons and his widely popular book How to Get a Meeting with Anyone, you’ll learn how to stand out from the crowd. That’s the core component of the marketing game. How do you grab people’s attention and get them to respond to you?

In this interview you’ll learn a lot about how to build connections and reach out to people that you previously thought was our of your reach.

One of my favorite moments in this interview is when he explains how we gets people’s attention with his cartoons. It’s such a wonderful way of connecting and showing them that you can bring value to the relationship.


  • Direct mail marketing is far from dead.
  • How do get 100% response rate with your direct marketing.
  • How to reach CEO’s and VP’s of companies.
  • Created personalized marketing outreach campaigns is the key part of making them work.
  • Two types of direct mail pieces that are very effective.
  • Where do you go to find information about people that you want to reach out to.
  • Understanding what your goal is when trying to get someone’s attention.
  • Growth strategies from common weeds.
  • How our emotions are getting in the way of us doing what we really want to do with our careers.
  • Rewiring your brain is easier than you think it is.
  • What to do when you are ready to start reaching out to people that you want to connect with.

You can learn more about Stu Heinecke on his website. You can also check out his book How to Get a Meeting with Anyone on Amazon. Check him out on Twitter as well.

And as always if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing just reach out on Dig to Fly and I’ll do my best to get them on.

Systematic Leader

Leaders need processes and systems to make good decisions. The Systematic Leader podcast interviews leaders (CEOs, Authors, and Enterpreneurs). They share their best frameworks so you can make better decisions in your business.

“Developing the habit of mastering the multiple models which underlie reality is the best thing you can do.” Charlie Munger

I interview experts in their fields so you can learn and apply their frameworks to your business.

Hi, I'm Karl Staib. The creator of the Dig to Fly method and author of Bring Gratitude. I struggled for years with making quality decisions because I didn't have a system in place. Once I developed routines that worked for my personality type that's when my business took off.

I hope you enjoy the podcast and if you have any questions, just reach out at