- S3E5
- 14:50
- December 6th 2020
Recorded LIVE at IBGR.Network - Your Business Growth Radio
On the last show, we discussed the importance of Standard Operating Procedures or SOP’s as we call them and why every business leader should at least consider franchising their business.
We’ve covered the WHAT and HOW of business operations. We looked at what must be done and how it should be done. In this episode, we’ll be looking at assigning some of those things to roles and eventually to people. So, we’ll look at WHO should do what.
As businesses grow and begin to create position descriptions (PD’s), understanding how to implement these PD’s versus them only being words on a piece of paper can be a challenge. This episode will help executives move from the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the positions serve as more than words and create the structure and format in which duties are assigned, employees can have clear objectives and expectations, create appropriate pay for the various classifications, and an effectively managed and led workforce.
Show Objectives - The Why
When employees and supervisors or managers are not clear on the specifics regarding what role each of them plays, it can lead to confusion, low morale, and ambiguity. Effectively managing the implementation of PD’s can create the correct foundation for growth, proper structure, employee development, and succession planning.
As with any winning sports team, your team needs to have clear roles and responsibilities to perform well together and as any highly successful coach, you, the business leader are the one that needs to take that responsibility and remove ambiguity.
Just looking at the players' jersey numbers in a football team (soccer as you call it in the US) you already know what role they play and it is no doubt who’s gonna be the goalkeeper. Everyone on the team and in the public knows that.
Think of your business as an orchestra and you be the conductor. In any amazing concert there are a few elements that are crystal clear for everyone:
- Each player know exactly their roles
- Everyone knows who’s the conductor
I mean you’ll never hear the piano player taking the role of the violin or the trumpets the role of the drums. Never. Why? Because they all know their strengths and what they bring to the table.
Key Issues - Owner Perspective
- We don’t need PD’s - we know what we should each be doing
- How to implement PD’s and at the same time be nimble and agile
- Gather your team to get the pulse of the matter (what’s happening now on the ground floor of your business)
- Explain why you need PD’s and roles descriptions
- Choosing a format and assign responsibilities
- Ensure understanding and implement them for a test period where you track suggestions and feedback
- Meeting to finalize the current version and plan the next review date
- Cascade any correction to linked SOPs if required.
What You Need to Know - The What
- What is the purpose of the position description?
- What is the best way to ensure accuracy?
- What needs to be included in the PD?
- What to do when completely implemented?
Next: Episode E3.008 Creating your next 90-gay growth plan - the Foundation for Growth
Entrepreneurial Mindset with Florin Lungu
Each episode has additional written information your might find helpful. Here is a complete listing of Show Notes. Want to continue the conversation? Add your thoughts in the comments section available at the bottom of each page of notes on the site. Simply click "read more" and let's get the conversations started!
Florin Lungu is an Organizational Development Expert & Business Mindset Coach.
With 12+ years of international experience in leading and training people in international corporations, 6+ years in the personal and corporate development industry, and 5+ years of entrepreneurship, Florin has learned a bit (often the hard way) about embracing change, leading people, and business mindset.
Born and raised in Romania he worked in France and relocated to Sweden where he now provides organizational development services to the international business community. He holds an MSc in Automotive Engineering, he is a Certified Behavioural Analyst and part of the biggest professional coaching & training organization in the world and provides business growth solutions to SME’s.
Subscribe to Florin’s Daily Inspirational Emails at:
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Meet the Hosts

Florin Lungu is an Organizational Development Expert & Business Mindset Coach.
With 12+ years of international experience in leading and training people in international corporations, 6+ years in the personal and corporate development industry, and 5+ years of entrepreneurship, Florin has learned a bit (often the hard way) about embracing change, leading people, and business mindset.
Born and raised in Romania he worked in France and relocated to Sweden where he now provides organizational development services to the international business community. He holds an MSc in Automotive Engineering, he is a Certified Behavioural Analyst and part of the biggest professional coaching & training organization in the world and provides business growth solutions to SME’s.