How Network Marketers Eliminate Roadblocks to Remain Consistent With Ravin Papiah artwork
Building YOU to build YOUR BUSINESS by Ravin S. Papiah

How Network Marketers Eliminate Roadblocks to Remain Consistent With Ravin Papiah

  • S9E27
  • 13:00
  • June 13th 2022

E27 How Network Marketers Eliminate Roadblocks to Remain Consistent Are you consistent in your daily business activities or is the only thing you’re consistent with is being inconsistent? If you’re like most network marketers, consistency is not a strength, at least not yet.

Many network marketers are only somewhat consistent, meaning they go through spurts. For a few weeks, they connect with their network and send follow-up messages to everyone they’ve connected with in the last few months. Then, they’ll miss a day or two – perhaps something else comes up or they go on vacation or they’re just feeling a bit under the weather. However, those few days off from connecting with their networks slowly turns into weeks. Before long, they’ve fallen off track and are left wondering what happened.

By this time of the year, the motivation that carried you all through January has faded. However, being hopped up on motivation will only get you so far; it’s essential to create a successful routine.

The term “routine” is not one that inspires millions. In fact, you may have read the word and immediately groaned or made a sour face in response. Routine takes planning. It also takes work and commitment. None of these things elicits excitement. When successful people recount their journeys to success, their routines hardly get a passing mention. That’s unfortunate because routines are the source of any success. Those tasks and activities that you commit to completing daily – no matter what – turn into habits. The habits become a routine. And, once it become a routine it become part of you – like brushing your teeth.

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” – Anthony Robbins

Of course, you have bad days along the way, or days when you just don’t feel like working on your business. But, a funny thing happens when your business activities become a routine – you don’t have to think about doing them anymore. It becomes automatic. So, while you may have a fleeting thought of passing them up for a day, you don’t. To you, it feels as if it takes more effort to NOT connect with your networks and do your other activities than it does to skip it. And that’s often why some are so successful – they have no choice but to succeed!

How to cultivate consistency If you’re eager to achieve success, first you have to build the successful habits that are required to reach it. It’s not flashy, but it’s necessary to reach your goals in your business and outside of it.

Cultivate the right mindset As with most things, good habits start in your head first. It’s all about your mindset. If your go-to excuse is that you’re just not good at being consistent, then you’re right. Your thoughts can limit how far you’ll go. If you use negative or limiting language, you’re sure to fail before you even start. Your thoughts become your reality so if you say you just can’t get it together enough to become consistent then it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

However, if you turn your negative thoughts into positive ones, then you’re more likely to build good habits and become consistent. You have faith in yourself and your abilities to follow through with your intentions. This is the perfect setup for success.

Make it easier to be consistent It takes time to be consistent in your actions, especially those that pertain to your business.

Sales Mastery by Ravin S. Papiah

"If You Are Not Aware, You Are Nowhere" – Ravin S. Papiah

Ravin Souvendra Papiah started his life by being doomed by doctors of an early childhood death. Being born as a very weak child played into his favour whereby he was introduced to reading by a teacher while his friends were enjoying their recreational time outside the class, playing. He has defied the doctors and today, he stands as a father, reader, trainer, coach, public speaker, writer, politician and Influencer. He discovered that his purpose is to help others grow to their optimum self. Being an avid fan of personal growth and reading, he believes that it can transform a person and consequently, his life, thus he encourages others to do the same. He insists that every person has the potential to become who they want to become. The first step is to have faith in themselves and become more conscious of who they are now and who they can become. “When you are NOT aware, you are NOWHERE” has become the emblem of Ravin Papiah. 

A 3-times Amazon No.1 Best Selling Author, and Men of the Year 2019, Superachiever recipient in Business & Entrepreneurship, Ravin Papiah is an Entrepreneur having achieved worldwide recognition with Forever Living Products. For 7 consecutive years, including 2019, he has been among the TOP 300 amongst 12 million Forever Business Owners in the world.

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