Flourish Women: A Better You With Dr. Nicckay Natson
Created by L.I.F.T International Inc. (Ladies In Faith Together) • 21 episodes
Flourish Women: A Better You with Dr. Nicckay Natson
Flourish Women was birth out of Dr. Nicckay Natson and founded upon Esther 4:14 If you keep silent deliverance will arise from another place perhaps this is the moment for which you were created.
An original podcast of L.I.F.T International (Ladies In Faith Together) Women's Ministry with Dr. Nicckay Natson. This is a podcast for modern day women unapologetically becoming better and authentically becoming who they are without envy or jealousy. We are here to empower, shift, uplift and impact women to be better and become the authentic person that God has destined them to be. These are women that have needed and been through inner healing, and have had soul issues and have experienced trauma and now have inner peace. This podcast will bring deliverance, mental stamina, mental stability, encouragement and prayer for your life. Flourish Women is pure passion birth from redemption. Where God took what the enemy meant to harm this precious woman of God with, God turned it around for her good so he could get the glory. So in return Dr. Nicckay Natson is helping other women to be overcomers from an authentic place and flourishing in every area of their lives as whole women.
Meet the Host

Dr Nicckay is an Apostle, Prophet and Teacher of God. She is the founder of Alton and Nicckay Natson Global Inc. (ANNGI) and Kingdom Global Alliance Network alongside her husband Apostle Alton Natson she is also the Apostle of The Forerunners Center an apostolic hub that her and her husband planted in Petersburg Virginia. She is also the Apostolic Marriage & Family Director of Alton And Nicckay Natson Global Inc alongside her husband Apostle Alton Natson where their pulpit is the world. Dr. Nicckay has been awarded the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from President Joe Biden presented by Prophetic Flow Ministries (Founder: Prophetess Kendria Moore) for being a brilliant leader that has worked in and given back to the community and made a global difference in society. Dr. Nicckay has also been awarded an iconic leading lady award presented by WWT Women Without Titles (Founder: Prophetess Felicia Johnson) for being a woman that does great things but has been overlooked. She has also been awarded by Shekinah Global Ministries (Founder: Apostle Dr. Doris Riley) an award for her leadership role and mentorship programs. She has also been awarded by Lady Capri Ministries (Founder: Dr. Nikia Eason) for being a woman of vision for her leadership and excellence. She has been featured in God Lock Magazine, on the front cover of UPWORDS Magazine in India, on the cover of K.I.S.H Magazine, and featured in the Love Nest Magazine and featured in many other magazines alongside celebrities and gospel artist and on the QUEEN Millionaire Podcast, Blossoms of My Life Radio Show, The Kishma George IWORSHIP 96 Radio Show, The Kishma George Show on Acts Radio in London and Faith Focused Finish Radio Talk Show, Monica Floyd Ministries Broadcast, Bust A Move Radio Talk Show, The Gifted TV Show, and the Get Up Movement Broadcast and many other podcast and radio shows. Dr. Nicckay is an International Speaker, Radio Talk Show Host and Television Host (Media Personality) a spiritual mother, and a mentor of many and she provides a spiritual covering for her sons and daughters in the faith and those in the fivefold ministry. God has graced her to be a watchman/intercessor and a teacher of intercessors. She is an apostolic and prophetic teacher, a voice and a seer, a pioneer one who blazes the trail for the Body of Christ and in the marketplace without compromise. A loving wife, mother and friend, her husband describes her as his "Heart Beat" and his Proverbs 31 Woman: [11] The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. [12] She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. Dr. Nicckay earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and in Organizational Management in 2007 and a Masters in Executive Leadership and in Human Services with a concentration in Marriage and Family Counseling in 2012.
In 2016 she earned a Doctor of Clinical Counseling and Psychology. Additionally, Dr. Nicckay is the co-author of Daughters of Triumph, Overdue, Letters to my Legacy, Unshakable Faith, and Urgency Prayers Right Now, The Dreamer In You, and the author of The Birthing of A Intercessor, Lifting the Mask, The Pure In Heart a 31 day devotional, Come Away My Beloved; Abiding In The Secret Place With God a 31 day devotional and journal for women, The Love Nest Marriage Journal & Devotional for couples after God’s own heart. She is a serial entrepreneur, a leading lady, one who knows how to operate and flow in the kingdom and in the marketplace with grace. Before she owned her own businesses she worked for 20 plus years and wore many different hats from and early childhood educator to principal, from director to mentor director, training and teaching leaders and managers how to be effective at leadership, and organizational management building systems, creating policies from business consultant and coaching for the government were she coached, advised, consulted and mentored over 40 sites for the government on a regional level, from that to a Behavior Analyst to a lead mental health therapist to a therapist supervisor and clinical director. One day her husband said to her that he wanted her to come off the job and work on the things that God has birth and placed within her for them.
Dr. Nicckay is also the Founder and President of Natson Enterprise, L.I.F.T (Ladies In Faith Together) International Inc. a global network for women beyond the four walls of the church a ministry that empowers, equips, educates, and platform woman in ministry and in the marketplace along with various other things with the belief that my pulpit is the world, the President/Founder of Rejuvenation Counseling, Coaching Healing Center & Training Institute LLC, Zenith TV Network, Zenith Radio Network, Bridge Builders University, Pneuma Gifts & Accessories, and Natson Publishing & Creatives LLC, The Love Nest, The Love Nest Magazine for married couples, and singles desiring to be married along with her husband, Flourish Women Magazine, The Awakening Prayer Live/Kingdom Snipers Global Network for Intercessors, Watchman, Gatekeepers and Prayer Warriors, Kingdom Talk Broadcast Radio Show (KTB), Flourish Women: A Better You Podcast, A Better You With Dr. Nicckay Natson TV Show, A Better You Coaching Academy and the co-founder of Spirit of Excellence Resume Service, Revive Credit Restoration.
Dr. Nicckay is a Licensed Clinical Christian Psychologist, Licensed Clinical Christian Therapist, Licensed Christian Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Professional Life Coach and Certified Professional Mentor, helping families resolve the complexities of life through professional Christian counseling, coaching, mentoring, for those that have soul wounds experienced trauma and need inner healing & deliverance. Dr. Nicckay is known as a powerhouse that speaks truth. She is bold in her approach although she is bold and dynamic, she walks in love toward others. She is called to the rejected, unchurched, wounded, and those that have been dropped and harbor the spirit of an orphan. She loves to encourage others to walk out their God given purpose and to be authentic and confident in who God has called them to be. Healing and deliverance are the portion of many that have experienced this vessel's ministry. Dr. Nicckay doesn't look for the movement; she is the movement and the shift in the earth that upsets darkness and shakes up hell.
Her mantra is “We Rise by Lifting Others and her goal and objective is to help others grow in their relationship with the Lord, to dominate in the arena of the 7 mountains of influence that God has given to them to teach, instruct, educate and train others how to possesses the Deuteronomy 8:18 life and commission them into their God given purpose. Each of us should use whatever gift we received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10) She is the proud mother of two jewels in Christ: Tiannah, and Jareal and the proud glam-ma of Joshua, Joell, Eliana, Limmie and Garianah. Her spiritual covering and mentor is under the leadership of Apostle Ron Toliver.
Connect with Dr. Nicckay:
Email Address: [email protected]
Website: www.drnicckaynatson.com
www.theluvnest.org, www.kgan.org
Facebook: Apostle Dr. Nicckay Natson @drnicckaynatson,
Instagram: @DrNicckayNatson, @kingdomglobalalliancenetwork
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