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Genre Blackademia

Spilling That Intellectual Tea

Created by Genre Blackademia • 2 episodes

Genre Blackademia

Genre Blackademia provides genre literature, film, and television commentary from the Black academic perspective. Join hosts Rhonda J. Garcia and John Edward Lawson for bi-weekly insights, interviews, and intellectual tea on subjects ranging from romance to horror, science fiction to mystery, and everything in-between.

John Edward Lawson avatar
John Edward Lawson

John Edward Lawson’s novels, short fiction, and poetry have garnered nominations for many awards, including the Stoker and Wonderland Awards. In addition to being a founder of the award-winning Raw Dog Screaming Press and former editor-in-chief of The Dream People he currently serves as vice president of Diverse Writers and Artists of Speculative Fiction. John speaks regularly at industry conferences and academic conferences alike.

Rhonda J. Garcia avatar
Rhonda J. Garcia

Rhonda earned her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University and currently works as an associate professor of English in Houston, TX. She has had several stories published in various venues, including two anthologies of horror written by Black, female writers, the Stoker Award™ finalist Sycorax’s Daughters and Black Magic Women, as well as in Paranormal Contact: A Quiet Horror Confessional, and the Halloween 2020 issue of Southwest Review. Her academic essays have also appeared in acclaimed collections, such as the Stoker Award™ finalists Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence in the Series and The Streaming of Hill House: Essays on the Haunting Netflix Series. Her essay from The Streaming of Hill House, “The Beloved Haunting of Hill House: An Examination of Monstrous Motherhood”, is also a Stoker Award™ finalist for 2020.

Rhonda lives in the suburbs of Houston with her huge blended family of one husband, four adult sprouts, seven teenaged sproutlings, and one hellbeast that pretends to be a dog sometimes. She can sometimes be found peeking out on Twitter from behind @rjacksonjoseph or her blog at

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