Fitness Assessment with Ben Landers artwork
Unfinished Thoughts

Fitness Assessment with Ben Landers

  • E248
  • 1:05:53
  • September 26th 2022

In this episode, Ben and I talk about some of the pros and cons of fitness testing in elementary school.

Check out Ben's blog to get a full rundown on how he conducts fitness assessments at his school.

Ben's Fitness Assessment Blog

Here are also the link to the video and article discussed on the show.

Dr. Robert Pangrazi at the PE Institute Video

How student voice and agency can transform fitness testing into fitness education by Dr. Laura Alfrey

Unfinished Thoughts

Unfinished Thoughts is a podcast that is dedicated to providing educators around the world a platform to learn and share best practices. We use our podcast to showcase some of the top educators in our field and attempt to analyze their success. Unfinished Thoughts has included topics such as standards-based instruction, neuroscience, mindfulness, and social justice. We attempt to bring you topical issues that will improve your teaching and ultimately help our students live happy, healthy and active lives.