CHARLES COLLINS, from West Palm Beach, Florida, and the author of the Amazon bestselling "LifeCraft Book Series", joined us to tell us about his path to success in life through intent, as opposed to trial and error, and/or intuition, through his five elements that make up one's life, including: Family & Personal Heritage, Family & Household Management, Family & Personal Finance, The Human Being, and Tools for Living.
From His Website:
"A long standing practice observed for centuries in workshops of every type across the world, is the use of the craftsman’s journal by individual craftspeople, and the workshop journal used as a collaborative communication tool for the workshop as a whole, and serving as a reference point or ‘benchmark’ for all craftspeople in the workshop to compare their work, pose questions, share insights, experiences, tool tips and techniques with other practitioners.
Following these same traditions and practical structure, Life Masterpiece Journal serves both purposes. It is the Master’s Journal of a single craftsman’s record of life-as-a-craft, and it is a Workshop Journal; a ‘how-to’ reference guide for all who would practice ‘life-as-a-craft’, to make a masterpiece of their life"
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