CRIS A. SANTOS, Author, Photographer, Blogger, Stylist (8-23-21)
- 33:08
- August 23rd 2021
CRIS A. SANTOS, an Author, Photographic Fashion Designer, the owner of Trendy Fashion Online Store "LUNABLUEGIRL", and the owner of "Cris Santos Styling", joined us to tell us all about what she is doing in the creative world, and to discuss her latest release, "One Way Trip".
"Cris Santos has a Master degree in Linguistics, although she is passionate about languages, cultures and travel, her passion for fashion and photography never left her heart. As a former model and lover of arts she decided to take control of her life and chase her dreams. In 2017 she launched her PhotosbyCris Designs by becoming a Photographic Fashion Designer.
'I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s competitive world; that’s why I decided to create this hub for all my work, thoughts and ideas. I’ve been blessed to have developed a growing audience of loyal followers who offer me fantastic feedback. Take a look at my work and stay up-to-date with everything I have planned.'"
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