Welcome to the newest entrant to our Impact Radio USA stable of shows, with "Impact Interviews and Music". The title says it all, as we provide exhilarating interviews with some terrific people and, of course, we augment the interviews with great music!
Each episode of "Impact Interviews and Music" airs LIVE every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 am ET, then repeats at 10:00 pm ET on the same date.
On today's show, we spoke with BOBBY NASH and JOCELYN ANDERSEN:
Award-Winning Author, Bobby Nash, from the area of Atlanta, Georgia, called in to discuss his terrific books, his works in progress, his writing schedule, and his website.
You can learn more about Bobby Nash, contact him, and order his books through his website at:
Jocelyn Andersen, an author and publisher from Florida, called in to discuss her books, as well as her views on Christianity and Domestic Abuse. A riveting and revealing time, you will not want to miss our discussion with Jocelyn Andersen.
From her website:
"Author, speaker, and publisher, Jocelyn Andersen, is a Bible teacher, ordained minister, and a domestic violence survivor turned advocate. She is pro-life and an outspoken supporter of women's rights--especially of Christian women's rights."
To learn more about Jocelyn Andersen and her works, please visit her website at:
And GREAT music selected just for you!
Thank you for stopping in! Enjoy!
Impact Radio USA
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