LIZBETH MERIDETH, an author, domestic abuse survivor, speaker and podcaster from Alaska, will join us to discuss her latest release, "Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters".
From Her Website:
"I’m an author, speaker, podcaster, and online teacher. I serve mid-life women recalibrating after crises, and/or women who are (finally) ready to stop falling to the bottom of their own priority list. Limited individual coaching available now, with group coaching to come. What experience do I have?
Nearly three decades working as an advocate, investigator, and probation officer means I’ve helped thousands create change. More importantly, I’ve bucked intergenerational patterns of poverty, family violence, and secret-keeping to create the life I live now. I hold a graduate degree in psychology, traveled six of the seven continents (and counting), and am fortunate to have a vibrant community of support. And I did none of this alone."
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