The only time you should be WORRIED in sales artwork
In Between Sales Calls

The only time you should be WORRIED in sales

  • E2
  • 15:17
  • February 21st 2020

It’s not realistic to think you’ll close a deal every single day. 

How do you know if you’re doing the right thing in sales?

In this sales training episode of In Between Sales Calls podcast, I’m going to share with you the four critical activities that must be done every day if you want to ensure a long and successful sales career…and you can be confident that they will lead to deals down the road.

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In Between Sales Calls

In Between Sales Calls, a sales podcast from Derek Shebby and Modern Sales Training (, is your quick listen for a sales training podcast that’s packed full of proven sales strategies and sales techniques to help sharpen your sales skills without taking up a huge portion of your day. 

Throughout these episodes, I share my firsthand experience of over 20 years in the sales field. From rep to sales manager, Dir. of Training for a Fortune 100 company, and then on to train over 30,000 salespeople worldwide. 

Listen on your way to work, the next meeting, or zoom call, and find useful tips that you can use today to start growing your sales and strengthening your career.

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