Andrew Samuels: the state of therapy (Part 1) artwork
In These Times: Speaking for the mind

Andrew Samuels: the state of therapy (Part 1)

  • E5
  • 40:47
  • December 6th 2021

Professor Andrew Samuels, author, international political activist, and advisor to governments in the UK and US speaks to Chrissie Pollard about the content and substance behind the claims of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), access to talking therapies, and the neglect of youth mental health. 

Whilst UK centric, this is a microcosm of problems with government policy in mental health around the world.

Co-founder of ITT, Previn Karian has developed some themes here in his Response to Andrew Samuels.

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In These Times: Speaking for the mind

IN THESE TIMES ( directly address the mental pain that afflicts so many people today, made worse since the Covid pandemic. We present mental health experts and crisis organisations with their different clients and different approaches. In bringing light to the wounding and terrors of our feelings and our mind, we hope our broadcasts on Podcasts and YouTube will help you find some direction through and out of your mental suffering.

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