Episode 6. Everyone Has a Story, Tell Yours artwork
Level Up Your Marketing with Vicki & Laura

Episode 6. Everyone Has a Story, Tell Yours

  • S4E6
  • 41:43
  • February 12th 2021

A kid who fixed neighbour's lawnmowers for money at age 10 who went on to become a creative mastermind and successful entrepreneur working with Bermuda's biggest brands... and a kid who grew up without a TV who became a television reporter and producer!

These are the stories of Vicki & Laura and in this show they'll help you define what makes up your own story, and they offer advice on how to use it effectively in your marketing.

Have marketing questions? Drop us a note on social media @twofouronebranding - we're happy to answer you directly.

If you like this and want to work with Vicki & Laura, you'll find them at www.twofouronetraining.com.

Be sure to check out the fun, engaged marketing club, The Level-Up League, you may want to join!

Level Up Your Marketing with Vicki & Laura

Laura Ann Bell & Vicki Abraham are the marketing minds behind The Level-Up League. The Level-Up League is a marketing club for entrepreneurs taking their business from pre-launch to start-up and beyond. It's the place to get connected, share insights, learn and grow.

This show is where you can soak up the inspiration, advice and mentoring, step into your marketing superpowers - you know you have them - and take action to Level-Up your business, through marketing.

Each episode has additional written information your might find helpful. Here is a complete listing of Show Notes. Want to continue the conversation? Add your thoughts in the comments section available at the bottom of each page of notes on the site. Simply click "read more" and let's get the conversations started!

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