Leveraging Inspiration: The Inspired Patent Podcast artwork

Leveraging Inspiration: The Inspired Patent Podcast

The Small Business Owners Source for Intellectual Property Strategy

Created by IBGR onAir Talent Wayne Carroll • 65 episodes

Leveraging Inspiration: The Inspired Patent Podcast

Leveraging Inspiration: The Inspired Patent Podcast

This podcast is for small business owners. You work so hard and help so many people.

It breaks my heart when I learn of a small business owner that missed opportunities because they did not have the information that they needed. That is why I am here, to help you, the small business owner, to learn how to leverage your inspiration and succeed at making the world a better place.

Listen to find out simple steps you can take to make sure you own the valuable property in your business, your inspired ideas, your innovations, and solutions. More than just protecting your intellectual property (IP), I want to help you leverage your ideas so that you can offer your solutions to as many people as possible.

Each 13-week season will take you through a process in your business to improve your intellectual property protection. In each episode, I provide a small action that you can take to better protect your IP. Added together these small actions can make a huge difference for your business and the results you achieve.

Join me each week for new episodes. Find new episodes on LeveragingInspiration.com and wherever you find your podcasts

The first season (season 13 on IBGR.Network) covers: Intellectual Property Strategy for Startups and Small Business

Show Airs - Fridays 3 pm ET beginning Apr 7, 2023

Wayne Carroll avatar
Wayne Carroll
Patent Attorney

Wayne Carroll founded Inspired Idea Solutions Law Firm in 2013, an IP boutique law firm focused on helping small businesses with intellectual property. At Inspired Idea Solutions, we use a proven process for obtaining IP rights that focuses on aligning the business strategy of small business clients with their IP strategy. We help small businesses implement a strategy to ensure they own and leverage their intellectual property. We also have clear expectations with zero hidden fees.  

In addition to his legal work, Wayne is an Eagle Scout and actively volunteers with the Boy Scouts of America. He is also a proud father of six children and enjoys playing pickleball. Wayne's extensive experience and expertise in intellectual property law make him a highly respected attorney and a valuable asset to clients seeking protection for their intellectual property rights. Wayne can be reached at 480-741-2440 or [email protected]. You can also connect with Wayne on LinkedIn.  

For help with your business Schedule an appointment with Wayne Carroll for a strategy session on how to protect and leverage your intellectual property.