Energy Clearing for Abundance Meditation artwork
Make Your Body Work For You

Energy Clearing for Abundance Meditation

  • S2E4
  • 18:00
  • March 26th 2020

How many of you have ever tried to manifest something and then something unusual happened or where it just didn't show up?

There is a wide range of things we all look to manifest, it could be love, it could be money, it could be in anything, and we all know that it can be incredibly frustrating. What happens is that you can keep creating the same exact thing over and over again.

What we manifest has a lot to do with the way we think and our brain waves. These range for an adult from beta in your walking state, to alpha, delta and theta.

As a baby when you are born what happens is your brain waves are generally in theta.

As you grow you start to download and copy the reality around you. There are 3 stages that you move through as you grow, the first is from a baby to 7 years old and is called the imprint stage with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas and things that happened and you take on board with no filters to basically become you and you're filled with these thoughts, feelings and decisions.

To download a full copy of the transcript select the link below, copy and paste into your favorite browser and you will be able to access and read and or copy the resource (pdf):

Have fun trying out the meditation and I am sure that you will find it empowering.

Paul Mracek

Make Your Body Work For You

Season 2: Your Energy And You

You must have energy to enjoy and achieve results from anything you do in life. Some people seem to have an abundance of energy to do anything, while others struggle with every little task they face. There are ways to increase your personal energy and become a vibrant and successful person.

To enjoy a happy and vibrant energy level, and shift from lack of energy to an abundance of energy, you must tap into the powers that only you hold – starting with being able to love yourself enough to take care of yourself.

You, and only you, can make the choices that determine whether you will be successful or always sitting outside of the success you want and deserve. Make wise choices when it comes to your well being.

Season 1: Body Language And You

You thought everything was fine at work. Now you’re caught up in a workplace drama and have no idea how you got there. What do you do when you’ve been saying all the right things to the right people and are still up a tree?

Chances are, while the words were great when talking to your coworkers, your body language wasn’t. Where did you go wrong?

Does this sound all too familiar as it will happen to most people at some point in their lives. Whether it is at work, socially or with family we often get caught up in the unexpected dramas of others not understanding you.

This series helps you get the basics right in giving of the right meaning so that you are saying what you want and not giving off unexpected messages.

Have fun and try them out, after all change only happens when you take action.

Best wishes,

Paul Mracek


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