Doing less, but better w/ Tracy Stanger artwork
Brand it! with Petchy

Doing less, but better w/ Tracy Stanger

  • E27
  • 32:34
  • March 25th 2021

How would you feel if someone said it's ok, good even, to pick just one marketing platform for your brand? Relief? Hesitation? Disbelief? All the above?

In this episode, I am joined by Tracy Stanger – an anti-hustle business coach for women building world-changing businesses while parenting. She believes you don’t have to “do it all” and that you will actually get better results (and less stress) when you do less, but do it better. Tracy teaches her clients how to trim their to-do list to just the most impactful tasks for them – and make it easier to get those tasks done.

We talk about ditching the marketing platforms that don't give you joy or results – and instead doubling down on your best one, to maximise the results of your efforts without driving yourself to burnout trying to be in all. the. places.

If the thought of going cold turkey scares the shit out of you, don't worry: Tracy has some actionable tips to help you make the transition if you choose to give it a go!


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Brand it! with Petchy

Welcome to Brand it! with Petchy, where you’re about to discover that brand strategy isn’t just for 7-figure celebrity entrepreneurs or massive multi-national brands. In a mix of solo episodes and interviews with carefully curated guests, I talk all things branding & strategic design, with a sprinkling of entrepreneurship, politics — and life.

PS: I’m firmly on team #keepingitreal, and I don’t shy away from sharing the reality of running a business. Also; I'm partial to spicy language.