Generic brand values vs. REAL brand values artwork
Brand it! with Petchy

Generic brand values vs. REAL brand values

  • E29
  • 18:48
  • April 8th 2021

Today, I want to chat about brand values. Ok, so it’s probably not the first time you’ve heard me talk about brand values, and it won’t be the last. But today, I specifically want to talk about a trap I see so many brands and businesses fall into: the perceived safety of bland before brand. Safing it with generic values that could belong to pretty much any other brand out there.

When you try to make your brand stand for everything and the kitchen sink, it ends up standing for nothing. And when you try to make your brand stand for the same things “all the other” brands stand for, you will never be able to stand out.

Brand values may seem insignificant – and if you’ve just randomly picked a selection of generic and positive words without giving it much thought at all, or because they're the kind of values you expect will resonate with your audience, they will be insignificant. Because they’re just empty promises.

I dig into what you can do to make sure your brand is more than just bland (omg, that was way cheesy – sorry!) and how you can ensure your brand values are more than just fancy words on a corporate poster.


Brand it! with Petchy

Welcome to Brand it! with Petchy, where you’re about to discover that brand strategy isn’t just for 7-figure celebrity entrepreneurs or massive multi-national brands. In a mix of solo episodes and interviews with carefully curated guests, I talk all things branding & strategic design, with a sprinkling of entrepreneurship, politics — and life.

PS: I’m firmly on team #keepingitreal, and I don’t shy away from sharing the reality of running a business. Also; I'm partial to spicy language.