What is it about community? w/ Eli Trier artwork
Brand it! with Petchy

What is it about community? w/ Eli Trier

  • E49
  • 48:44
  • January 6th 2022

Our topic today is community – and as someone who has quite literally built, and is still building, a business through authentic relationships with other humans, I’ve experienced first hand how important community is from a branding perspective. And that’s why I want to introduce you to the amazing human who is my guest today.

Eli Trier lives in the wonderful city of Copenhagen, Denmark and is a community builder for Quiet Revolutionaries. She helps introverts with big dreams to get connected and build thriving, engaged communities around their businesses, so that they can make a massive impact, find their dream clients, and make their corner of the world a better place. A long-time business owner, Eli knows first-hand the power of human connection to build a business, and her unique approach got her featured in The Financial Times Guide to Business Networking. She specialises in creating powerful, strategic online community projects and loves every minute of her work (even the boring bits). When she's not working you can find her curled up with a book, painting, or hanging out with her husband Lars.

I mean, strategy and community. Two of my faves! I have a feeling this will be good, so let’s go ahead and listen to what Eli has to share with us!

Brand it! with Petchy

Welcome to Brand it! with Petchy, where you’re about to discover that brand strategy isn’t just for 7-figure celebrity entrepreneurs or massive multi-national brands. In a mix of solo episodes and interviews with carefully curated guests, I talk all things branding & strategic design, with a sprinkling of entrepreneurship, politics — and life.

PS: I’m firmly on team #keepingitreal, and I don’t shy away from sharing the reality of running a business. Also; I'm partial to spicy language.