Why one logo simply isn't enough! artwork
Brand it! with Petchy

Why one logo simply isn't enough!

  • E31
  • 24:03
  • April 22nd 2021

I talk a lot about brand strategy on this show, and the elements of branding that you can’t see – today I thought I’d talk about something that’s a little more tangible: logos.

***Before we dive into this episode, I have a public service announcement! If you’re a regular listener, you probably know that I’ve been doing weekly episodes up until now – this is going to change. As fun and rewarding as this podcasting journey is, I have realised that putting out an episode a week isn’t sustainable for where I am at with my business right now – there’s only one of me, and I need to make sure I can serve my clients well, have time for self care and family and also have enough time to put out some good quality episodes for you! So there won’t be an episode next week, and from now on I’ll be releasing a new episode every other week. I don’t know yet if this is going to be a permanent thing, but I hope to be able to resume back to weekly episodes at some point! I just don’t know when.***

Right, now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about logos – and why having just the one logo simply isn’t enough. OK, so if that makes you think “Whaaaaaat? Are you trying to tell me that one logo isn’t good enough? Why the heck would I need more? And what about consistency and being recognisable all the time? This simply doesn’t make sense…” 

Well, actually it does. Make sense, that is. If you can spare a few minutes of your time, I’ll try to explain!

Shownotes: https://petchy.no/shownotes/031/

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Brand it! with Petchy

Welcome to Brand it! with Petchy, where you’re about to discover that brand strategy isn’t just for 7-figure celebrity entrepreneurs or massive multi-national brands. In a mix of solo episodes and interviews with carefully curated guests, I talk all things branding & strategic design, with a sprinkling of entrepreneurship, politics — and life.

PS: I’m firmly on team #keepingitreal, and I don’t shy away from sharing the reality of running a business. Also; I'm partial to spicy language.